Demons love the desert. Make sure your heart’s not one. Evil spirits, suicidal spirits, depressive spirits love to live and lurk where there is no water—living water that is. Do you have this water? Do you want this water?
Make sure your heart’s not dry and cracked, like sun scorched earth, from years of unresolved bitterness and blame, haughtiness and hatred, guilt and greed...make sure. Some of you, many of you just need to drink a tall cup of forgiveness...daily—forgiving your neighbor as you do yourself.
Your heart is no hub for death. Your heart is to be a beacon for life and a pocket full of fertile soil penetrated with light!
Drink your daily cup of God’s life-giving words. Your body will thank you for it. Your mind will thank you for it. In fact, your household & community will thank you for it.❤️
Pro 4:20-24, Pro 18:4,
Luke 11:24-26, Pro 16:24,
John 15:3, John 7:38,
Mat 6:14, Mark 11:25,
Isa 58:11, James 5:16
Eph 5:26, Jer 2:13